Ammonia scrubber

Category Industrial facilities

Subcategory Machinery room

Year of manufacture/creation 1962

Manufacturer/author Gazobudowa Wrocław

Place of manufacture/creation Wrocław, Poland

Size Height: 380 cm
Width: 90 cm
Length: 90 cm

Material steel, ceramics

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1991

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

Next to gas, the heated coal releases also other, less valuable substances. Ammonia is one such particularly unpleasant and corrosive substance.

Not only does it have an exceedingly unpleasant odour, it also corrodes gas network pipes. Fortunately, it is possible to remove ammonia from gas by sending it to a special scrubber, where it is covered with water.

The ammonia scrubber in Paczków is 5 metres high. It is known as a tower scrubber due to its design. Inside there are several screens made from metal sheet covered with wood chips or coke. Liquid is sprayed in the top section of the scrubber. In the course of the purification process, the gas rises to the top, with the liquid travelling to the bottom, taking the corrosive ammonia with it.
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