History of the gas industry

Key events in the history of the gas industry in Poland and Europe.
Go to history of the gas industryHistory of Łódź Gasworks

First bath heated with a gas water heater
This appliance is invented by an Englishman, Benjamin Waddy Maughan. Gas begins to find multiple new applications, and inventions include gas cookers, refrigerators, irons, coffee roasters, boilers, gas heaters and many more.

Gas light gains new brightness and colour
This is a clever invention of Carl Auer von Welsbach – a fabric mantle, made from cotton mesh impregnated with non-flammable compounds, which when heated by a gas flame emits a bright light without burning. This invention continues to be used today.

Natural gas discovered in the Podkarpacie region
The beginnings of natural gas in Poland are connected to crude oil extraction in the Podkarpacie region.
Wacław Wolski
Hugo Junkers
For 120 years, the name of Hugo Junkers has been synonymous with a practical bathroom water heater.
read the biography ArticleHistory of Lviv Gasworks
The Lviv gasworks was one of the oldest in this part of Europe.
read the article InterviewWarsaw’s street gas lamps
Visitors to the Polish capital can still chance upon the original historical street lanterns powered by gas. They burn with a real flame, which despite not being overly intensive and bright, is able to create a unique and mysterious atmosphere.
readMuseum exhibits
Go to museum exhibitsGas industry today and tomorrow
Non-mining methane production methods
Mines are not the only sources of natural gas: the fuel can be produced by chemical or biological synthesis.
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UAVs and satellites to monitor gas pipelines
The latest technologies applied in gas engineering include novel monitoring solutions for the natural gas transmission and distribution infrastructure. Gas pipelines are linear projects which sometimes stretch for hundreds of kilometres, so their inspection with an “eye in the sky” seems a natural solution. It can be done with UAVs and satellites.
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Optical fibre measurements are applied in many areas of engineering. Optical fibres can help detect and pinpoint gas leaks. They can also be applied in strain measurement of gas pipelines.
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