Radiant bathroom heater made by Junkers

Category Heating

Subcategory Bathroom water heaters

Year of manufacture/creation 1932

Manufacturer/author Junkers

Place of manufacture/creation Remscheid, Germany

Size Height: 117 cm
Width: 40 cm
Depth: 28 cm
Weight: 25 kg

Material cast iron, copper, steel

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1992

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

With gas becoming commonplace as a source of energy in the homes, attempts were made to use the resource in many new ways.

This radiant bathroom heater made by Junkers heated the bathing water and additionally heated the bathroom. In the 1930s, similar inventions revolutionised the living conditions in towns.

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