Gas lamp

Category Lighting

Subcategory Chandeliers

Year of manufacture/creation the 1920s

Manufacturer/author Polmet

Place of manufacture/creation Lviv, then Poland

Size Height: 110 cm
Width: 17 cm
Length: 17 cm
Weight: 5 kg

Material steel

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1992

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

The most vital element of this gas lamp is, at the same time, most fragile.

The thin Welsbach mantle heats up and radiates light. It is protected with a lampshade with a special design. The brightness of the flame was adjusted with a convenient valve.

This particular lamp produced by Polmet was not only elegant but also practical. As a result, this gas lamp often decorated fashionable interiors in the city of Lviv.

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