Modern gas meter

Category Gas meters

Subcategory Modern

Year of manufacture/creation 1995

Manufacturer/author Metrix

Place of manufacture/creation Tczew, Poland

Size Height: 28 cm
Width: 22.5 cm
Length: 16 cm
Weight: 2,88 kg

Material cast iron, copper

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 2003

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

This contemporary bellows gas meter seems completely ordinary; however, it occupies an important place in the museum’s collection.

The secret to its singularity are the small letters visible above the gas usage display: “METRIX nr 000001 1995”. The writing indicates that this is the first gas meter made in this model, with its serial production starting in 1995.

This particular gas meter was manufactured in Tczew by the “METRIX” company, one of the most accomplished gas meter manufacturers in Poland.

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