Charging machine

Category Industrial facilities

Subcategory Furnace hall

Year of manufacture/creation 1907

Size Height: 363 cm
Width: 100 cm
Length: 425 cm

Material steel, cast iron

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1991

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

Before the coal carbonization process could begin, the coal first had to be loaded into the retort. This backbreaking task was performed by workers equipped with specially designed coal scoops. This work was repetitive and dangerous, so solutions were sought to automate it.

This charging machine made this exhausting work much easier. Its screw conveyors took the coal from the container and delivered it to the retorts, where it was evenly distributed by means of long coal scoops.

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