Water gas cooler

Category Industrial facilities

Subcategory Machinery room

Year of manufacture/creation 1962

Manufacturer/author Gazobudowa Wrocław

Place of manufacture/creation Wrocław, Poland

Size Height: 300 cm
Width: 75 cm
Length: 75 cm

Material steel, cast iron

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1991

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

Immediately after its generation from coal, gas is extremely hot. Before the cleaning process begins, gas has to cool down, and this process takes place inside a gas cooler. When the gas temperature is lowered, a large share of gas pollutants can be removed – approximately 30-45% of condensate takes the form of ammonia water and tar.

The device in which all this takes place is incredibly straightforward and effective. Gas is pumped through tubes which are surrounded by water. However, the continuous exposure of the metal tubes to gas pollutants, on the one hand, and water, on the other, contributes to their rapid corrosion, which causes water coolers to break down.
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