Aerial cooler

Category Industrial facilities

Subcategory Machinery room

Year of manufacture/creation 1962

Manufacturer/author Gazoprojekt Wrocław

Place of manufacture/creation Wrocław, Poland

Size Height: 295 cm
Width: 150 cm
Length: 140 cm

Material steel, cast iron

Museum/Storage location Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Date of admission to the museum 1991

Rights to the exhibit Gasworks Museum in Paczków

Rights to digital images public domain


Exhibit description

Gas is born in a furnace, but this is only the beginning of its journey to the gas network and our homes.

Immediately after its generation, gas is untreated and dangerous – it is hot, smelling of smoking tar and fetid ammonia. The gas cools down and cleans itself in a cooler.

It is a very simple, yet effective device. It consists of two rollers, with air flowing between them. This air cools the gas flowing through the centre, which removes almost half of its toxic pollutants.

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